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Edie delights in inviting people to live rich, full, juicy lives. She is an internationally recognized, sought after, colorfully creative journalist, interviewer, author and editor, a dynamic and inspiring speaker, licensed social worker and interfaith minister, BLISS coach, event producer, certified Laughter Yoga Leader, certified Cuddle Party facilitator, and Cosmic Concierge.  Edie is the founder of Hug Mobsters Armed With Love, which offers FREE HUGS events world- wide on a planned and spontaneous basis.

She speaks on the subjects of wellness, relationships, trauma recovery, addiction, mental health, spirituality, sexuality, loss and grief.  

Edie is the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming the Ordinary Into the Extraordinary and co-author of Embraced By the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose.  She has also contributed to several anthologies and personal growth books, including Taming the Anger Dragon: From Pissed Off to Peaceful.

 Her work has been seen in Beliefnet,  Elephant .Journal  Psych Central, The Huffington Post, The Good Men Project,  as well as a growing number of other publications.

She was the host of Vivid Life’s It’s All About Relationships on Blog Talk Radio for more than three years.

Over the past 30 years, she has had the honor of interviewing His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Louise Hay, Judith Orloff, Debbie Ford, Arielle Ford, don Miguel Ruiz, Wayne Dyer, Bernie Siegel, Deepak Chopra, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson, Grover Washington, Jr., Dan Millman, Ram Dass, Olympia Dukakis, Shirley MacLaine, Dennis Weaver, Mariel Hemingway, Ben & Jerry and SARK.

In the last four decades, she has worked with those who have been diagnosed with life-altering conditions, including mental health issues, cardiac disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, infertility, end-stage conditions, eating disorders, addiction, traumatic brain injury, stroke, depression, and anxiety. She focuses on her clients’ resilience and assists them in developing a solid toolkit of coping skills. As both a clinician and a patient, she is aware of what it is like to be on the other side of the treatment relationship and can be of service to the patient, their caregivers, as well as the treatment team. Edie can address the issues that arise such as body image, trauma, sexuality, relationship changes, vulnerability, change in physical or cognitive ability, aging, end of life issues, and communicating needs.

If you want to: 

  • Embrace life fully
  • Release patterns that have kept you from moving forward
  • Re-write the narrative to create the life of your dreams and desires
  • Enhance your relationships
  • Become an Opti-Mystic who sees the world through the eyes of possibility

Contact me today to see how I can meet the needs of your organization, publication or the person who looks back at you when you gaze in the mirror.

For more information, please visit

Accepting and Embracing What Is

As I am taking a deep breath on a crisply vibrant morning, before setting fingers to keyboard, I am humbled by the magnitude of this question. I gaze back at the previous chapters of my life with a blend of bewildered awe and 'if I knew then what I know now'. I imagine the steps and turns in the dance that has become my life and the various partners with whom I have taken them and it seems that it has all been perfect and then along comes a sense of wistfulness and 'if only'. The words of what I…

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When the World Tests Your Love, Let Your Love Be a Testament to the World

These words came to me, as many have over the years, in the wee hours of the morning, unbidden, but certainly welcome. I have learned that when I am a receptive channel, all manner of messages pours through. Many years ago, in meditation, I heard echoes of ‘by divine design’. I asked, “What does that mean?” God replied, “You’ll know.” Turns out that it became the name of my multi-faceted business which includes writing, speaking, interfaith ministry, counseling, coaching and editing. It is based on the idea that we are co-creators with Spirit and in that partnership, we can design…

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Rethinking the Next Stage of Your Life

Imagine a GPS that is set on a certain course. You know where you want to go, you type in the address and then trust that it will direct you to your destination. One thing that the machine may not comprehend is that there are times when detours, accidents and road construction get in the way of an otherwise direct route. What does the voice in hand-held device calmly and in a matter-of-fact manner say to you? One simple word: RECALCULATING. Then it goes about its job of re-directing your trip. In 2008, my inner GPS did a major recalculation. My…

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Ask a Luminary

My Fiancée Left Me. How Do I Move On?

"My fiancée recently broke up with me after a four year relationship. She said that I kept pushing her away and did not want to communicate with her about our life. I agree that I was not always approachable and at times took her for granted. Funny thing is, when she left, I realised how much I loved her (expensive lesson to learn). It’s been two months now, and see is seeing someone else, who she says is always there for her and just wants to be with her. (We stayed about an hour drive from each other and I could…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Move Forward from My Mistakes?

"Could you please share with me how can I get over my past mistakes and actions? 7 months ago I had a terrible fight with a friend of mine, whom I had feelings for. It was a long distance relationship. Due to anger and rage, I communicated harsh words to her. I tried apologizing but she's not ready to take my calls and has blocked me off all social networking sites and hasn't communicated since. I terribly feel her absence and I'm down with guilt. Every day thoughts of her keep running through my mind. I feel that if I'd…

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Ask a Luminary

How Can I Let Go of Past Loss?

"How can I shed negative, debilitating memories of a job loss many years ago? These memories and thoughts affect me today." ~ Craig, Johannesburg, South Africa Dear Craig: Thank you for reaching out for insights into ways to release the hold the past has on you so that you can move forward. That tells me that you know it is possible. Good sign! One thing I would ask is that you consider the context of the job loss. Was it as a result of actions or inactions on your part or something over which you felt you had no control?…

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The Heart Is The Home of Wonder

By Edie Weinstein Breathe in the warmth of this place, allowing yourself to feel a sense of welcome It is your own love, your own beauty that beckons you inside How long has it been, since you have crossed this threshold? The door has always been open, the invitation always extended Will you accept it now? Through the windows streams sunlight, casting rainbow designs on the walls As prism glass reflects the scattered sparkling illumination The floor beneath your feet is soft Caressing your skin as you tap your bare toes on its surface Daring to dance upon it to…

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Radiating Warmth on A Cold Winter’s Night

by Edie Weinstein Home from a wondrous Winter Solstice Event created by a group of talented folks that are part of a community called Common Ground Fellowship. In less than 6 weeks from a meeting held in the suburban Philadelphia home of Joni, as a few of us sat around her fireplace, sipping tea and seed planting, we moved from idea to full out delight in the form of a ritual that we called En-Lighten Up! Held at the Ethical Society in Rittenhouse Square, we gathered to honor the shortest day of the year and welcome in the light in…

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Plugged Into Our Source

By Rev. Edie Weinstein Recently I had a revelation by way of a strand of wiring, a battery and a piece of electronic circuitry that provides education, entertainment and a portion of my right livelihood work. I was sitting at my trusty laptop computer, busily typing an article and noticed that the screen went dim. Now, I know that there are times when my eyes experience fatigue from hours of concentration without a break, but this was something entirely different. I observed that the plug which connects the computer to the battery was slightly dislodged. The moment I fit it…

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Zero Degrees of Separation

by Rev. Edie Weinstein According to Wikipedia: "six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth.” All well and good, but in my life, the ratio seems to be far more intriguing. Chances are someone I know, knows someone else that I know. I come by that gift genetically since…

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Survivor To Thriver

by Rev. Edie Weinstein A few months ago, I reconnected with a dear friend from Willingboro High School with whom I haven't spoken for 30 years. Along with Abe came the gift of his wife Andi Morris...a definite Goddess Sister and kindred spirit. A Center City Philadelphia area Realtor, Andi is also a two time breast cancer survivor, who shares, “I was diagnosed when I was 37 and then when I was 43, I was re-diagnosed.” With the initial diagnosis, she was frightened and shocked. With the second diagnosis, came anger, “because I was working so hard to get beyond…

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When Intention Meets Condition

By Edie Weinstein-Moser Still reverberating from a wondrous experience , the seeds for which were planted a few months back and perhaps eons before. When I was asked to offer my PR and Marketing Services to promote an event withMichael Beckwith and Rickie Byars Beckwith from Agape International Spiritual Center based in Los Angeles, my initial thoughts were "Oh goody! Piece of cake!" Little did I know that it wouldn't simply be a light and fluffy assignment...well, I sorta suspected. I called the group of us from Common Ground Fellowship, (an interfaith community in the Philadelphia area) working on the…

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The Cosmic Yes!

Spent much of the weekend floating on the gently healing ripples of sound offered by a trio of musical devotees Deva Premal, Miten and Manose as they descended on Philadelphia. I was enticed by the music from the very first note of the Gayatri Mantra which is a sacred Hindu chant, that flowed from my radio 5 years ago on a show called Echoes. The sweetly heart-penetrating voice of Deva carried me to such a state of transcendent bliss, that I knew I wanted more. And there indeed was more to be had this weekend. My friend Mahan Rishi Singh…

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